Bristol Myers Squibb和Blue Spark Technologies合作伙伴在汽车T患者监控中使用Temptraq


蓝色火花技术, Inc. today announced that Bristol Myers Squibb will use its TempTraq wearable Bluetooth continuous body temperature monitoring platform in a U.S. observational trial to monitor patients across multiple BMS CAR T assets prior to and following CAR T patients’ infusion with the cell therapy. This observational trial will be Bristol Myers Squibb’s first use of a remote patient monitoring technology to track CAR T patient temperatures, which can be a sign of cytokine release syndrome (CRS), a common side effect observed within the CAR T category of therapies.


在合作伙伴关系中,Blue Spark Technologies将提供temptraq可穿戴设备,供多发性骨髓瘤或淋巴瘤患者使用,他们参加观察性试验,以接收Bristol Myers Squibb Car T产品。该试验是探索诸如Temptraq之类的技术如何与临床,疾病状态和科学专业知识配对的第一步,可以为下一代产品提供旨在支持特定患者情况(例如车后T输液)的产品。


“随着我们进入下一代疗法,例如CAR T细胞疗法,例如Temptraq等患者以患者为中心的技术将成为创建生态系统的支持组成部分,在该生态系统中,细胞疗法的承诺可以蓬勃发展,” Bristol Medicine副总裁Sarah Hersey说。迈尔斯·索尔(Myers Squibb)。

照片:乔纳森·席林(Jonathan Schilling),维基梅迪亚公共

蓝色Spark总裁兼首席执行官John Gannon说:“我们很荣幸BMS已决定与Blue Spark合作,在此尖端解决方案上。”

Temptraq可穿戴设备将在美国多达12 BMS临床试验地点使用


temptraq, Blue Spark Technologies’ patented innovation, is the only disposable Bluetooth, wearable temperature monitor in the form of a soft, comfortable patch that continuously, safely and comfortably monitors body temperature for up to 72 hours and sends notifications to Apple or Android compatible mobile devices.

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Temptraq Connect是符合HIPAA的云服务,由Google Healthcare Cloud Platform支持,它使患者和护理人员能够从任何地方监视体温。它还可以直接与医疗保健提供者电子病历(EMR)系统和护士监控站进行整合,从而提供了一种安全的存储患者医疗保健数据的方法。该系统已清除了FDA,CE和TGA。

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