Teva在美国推出了两个新的数字吸入器Airduo Digihaler和Armonair Digihaler

Teva Airduo Digihaler Armonair Digihaler

总部位于以色列的特拉维夫(Tel Aviv)为哮喘患者提供了2种新的数字吸入器,氟替卡松,丙酸氟替卡松和咸味醇吸入粉(Airduo digihaler)和丙酸氟替卡松吸入粉(Armonair Digihaler),用于哮喘患者。

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Airduo Digihaler是一种处方药,用于控制哮喘的症状,并防止诸如12岁及以上人群喘息的症状。Armonair Digihaler是12岁及以上患者长期治疗哮喘的处方药。Airduo Digihaler和Armonair Digihaler不使用哮喘突然的呼吸问题,不会取代救助吸入器的需求,报告BusinessWire

Teva Pharmaceuticals北美商业广告执行副总裁Brendan O’Grady表示:“现在能够为患者提供Airduo Digihaler和Armonair Digihaler,这对Teva来说是一步令人兴奋的一步,我们为此感到非常自豪。”“With the launch of these two maintenance products, we’re now able to offer the full Digihaler portfolio to patients, potentially allowing them to gain an even deeper understanding of their overall asthma treatment regimen due in part to the data collection capabilities of the Digihaler portfolio of products.”

Airduo Digihaler于2019年7月以低剂量和高剂量获得了美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)的批准:55/14 MCG,113/14 MCG和232/14 MCG每天两次服用一次吸入。Armonair Digihaler于2020年2月以低剂量和高剂量获得FDA批准:55 MCG,113 MCG和232 MCG每天两次吸入。



“Until now, I have had to rely on my patients’ memory to share the details of their inhaler use habits with me – which, despite their best efforts, can be difficult and confusing,” said Dr. J. Allen Meadows, MD, FACAAI, Clinical Faculty, Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine. “In addition, getting access into their inspiratory flow rates may also help me identify patients who might need coaching in inhaler technique improvement.”

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剂量为55/14 MCG和113/14 MCG的Airduo Digihaler的批发收购成本(WAC或“清单价格”)为399美元,而232/14 MCG剂量的WAC价格为449美元。Arronair Digihaler的WAC价格为55 MCG和113 MCG的价格为239美元,232 MCG剂量的WAC价格为299美元。两种产品的单个患者和提供者的实际成本预计将低于WAC。

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