
照片:Luke Chesser,Unsplash

新加坡Nanyang Technological University(NTU)的研究人员开发了一项预测计算机程序,该程序使用可穿戴技术的数据来检测患有抑郁症风险增加的个人。


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Powered by machine learning, the program, named the Ycogni model, screens for the risk of depression by analyzing an individual’s physical activity, sleep patterns, and circadian rhythms derived from data from wearable devices that measure his or her steps, heart rate, energy expenditure, and sleep data.





Josip Car和Ycogni计算机模型教授(照片来源:NTU)

Professor Josip Car, Director, Centre for Population Health Sciences at NTU’s Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine (LKCMedicine), who co-led the study, said: “Our study successfully showed that we could harness sensor data from wearables to aid in detecting the risk of developing depression in individuals. By tapping on our machine learning program, as well as the increasing popularity of wearable devices, it could one day be used for timely and unobtrusive depression screening.”

Associate Professor Georgios Christopoulos, from NTU’s Nanyang Business School, who co-led the study, said: “This is a study that, we hope, can set up the basis for using wearable technology to help individuals, researchers mental health practitioners and policy makers to improve mental well-being. But on a more generic and futuristic application, we believe that such signals could be integrated with Smart Buildings or even Smart Cities initiatives: imagine a hospital or a military unit that could use these signals to identify people-at-risk.”

阅读更多Livanova和Cly clyly招募第一名患者使用智能手表检测抑郁症

该研究的结果发表在同行评审的学术期刊上Jmir Mhealthuhealth十一月。


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