MACE Group在大流行期间部署了Realwear的配音可穿戴计算机


梅斯集团(Mace Group)是一家总部位于伦敦的全球咨询公司和建筑公司,已部署了Renewear的辅助现实可穿戴计算机,运行了支持语音的Microsoft团队,为全球建筑行业铺平了前进的方向。语音激活的护室HMT-1可穿戴设备首次使数百名工人和客户能够减轻Covid-19的传播,并通过在施工过程中使用该设备进行远程检查来减少其碳足迹。可穿戴的部署标志着建筑行业的首先。




美饰’s assisted reality head-mounted wearable computers require only a single site inspector to be physically present, while multiple others ‘view’ the site clearly and remotely from their own location, via a feed that streams from the innovative headset directly to the viewer’s handheld or laptop computer. The technology negates the need to physically travel to a site, while also delivering on Mace’s requirement for its workforce to be fully connected through remote collaboration. Furthermore, the deployment has banished the logistical and planning complexities of trying to coordinate the diaries of several site inspectors to be present at the same time on the same day. Since the completion of the deployment this month Mace has been able to reduce in-person site visits, and its Façade team has seen a 75% reduction in travel; not only has this resulted in a reduction in carbon emissions, but the time saved has freed up staff to be more productive during the course of their day.


梅斯集团(Mace Group)立面负责人菲尔·塞奇(Phil Sedge)评论说:“愿意拥抱未来,梅斯(Mace)在建筑行业的曲线方面就在部署可穿戴技术方面是合适的。”“自部署以来,我们已经看到了决策过程的改进,并且能够立即分享实时信息。该技术使我们能够减少前往现场的员工数量,而无需妥协我们的工作质量。节省时间和环境利益带来了进一步的优势。”他补充说:“ Restwear重新投资到产品开发中也给我们留下了深刻的印象,这意味着该技术的基础是未来的。我们只希望我们早日部署。”

沉浸式,系统性负责人罗斯·赖利(Ross Riley)评论了:


“RealWear’s HMT-1 is purpose-built for productivity, even in extreme environments due to its ruggedness, durability, and functionality,” said Jon Arnold, VP of Sales, RealWear Inc. “With software updates to come in March that will further improve the user experience, the HMT-1 is set to be a central part of Mace’s workflow, both now and in the future,” he added.



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