Airvida - 最小的可穿戴空气净化器,能够在1分钟内降低高达96.31%的病毒
得益于由Ible技术提供动力的独特技术“呼吸途径生态技术”,该技术能够保护用户免受病毒,空气传播过敏原的侵害,包括花粉,干草发烧和宠物皮屑。It is an innovation enables the effective formulation of 2 million negative ions/cm3 every 0.6 second around the user’s facial area, these negative ions quickly attach itself to airborne particles within close proximity, turning them into bigger, heavier chunks of particles which falls to the ground and away from the user’s facial area.
最近,由美国的权威机构Microchem Laboratory进行的MS2测试证明,M1可以在1分钟内有效降低96.31%的病毒。此外,M1还通过SGS和Japan远红外射线协会(JIRA)等领先机构(JIRA)进行认证和测试), effectively reducing 99.9% inhalable PM2.5, 99.9% of pollen (allergens), 99.0% of Formaldehyde (CH2O), airborne allergens and up to >90.8% of bacteria around the user’s face.
Today, Airvida is the world’s smallest and most powerful wearable air purifier and recently awarded SNQ (Symbol of National Quality) at Anti-epidemic products in Taiwan, also an honoree at the CES Innovation Awards 2020 for wearable technologies, the global stage where next-generation innovations are introduced to the world.