
Suntech Valencell合作伙伴关系

Suntech Medical是临床级血压监测解决方案的领先提供商,以及可穿戴设备准确生物识别传感器的制造商Valencell宣布了合作伙伴协议,以共同开发新的血压测量解决方案,以提高患者安全。



Through this partnership SunTech’s Advantage™ cuff-based blood pressure technology, and its superior TMT (Transport Motion Tolerance) capabilities, will be combined with continuous BP estimation from Valencell’s optical PPG (photoplethysmography) technology, in order to provide a new and better BP measurement solution for higher acuity market segments like hemodialysis, emergency medicine, OR and ICU, ambulatory BP studies and cardiac rehabilitation, and sleep.

“The combination of multiple motion-tolerant technologies and measurement modalities from SunTech and Valencell will enable comfortable, continuous, clinical-grade BP monitoring for many applications,” said Paul Matsumura, SunTech’s Senior Director of Research and Technology about how the technologies could work in concert. “SunTech and Valencell are each the best in their field of motion tolerant blood pressure and PPG technology, respectively. Both together is a winning combination in the clinical space,” said Julian Mullaney, SunTech’s Vice President of R&D about the deal.

SunTech的Oscar 2门诊血压监测器提供以无与伦比的舒适性,数据可靠性和信心为注重患者的解决方案(图片:Suntech Medical)

Suntech总裁Rob Sweitzer说:“我们很高兴北卡罗来纳州的两家领先的医疗技术公司可以共同创建新的血压解决方案,以改善患者的护理和安全性。”“ Valencell团队非常出色,当他们与SunTech的临床级血压专家互动时,我敢肯定,他们会为我们的客户开发出色的新产品。我们将这一协议视为与他们长期以来在未来进行创新的框架。”


瓦伦塞尔(Valencell)的首席执行官肯特·诺瓦克(Kent Novak)表示:“与SunTech的合作协议为共同令人兴奋的工作奠定了基础。我们的团队各自从我们各自的领域带来了丰富的经验,专业知识和技术。与SunTech建立这一长期协议有助于加速联合创新,这些创新将对市场产生有意义的影响,更重要的是对患者的预后。”

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