
可穿戴技术欧洲会议的第二天取得了巨大成功。betway体育开户会议以伊莎贝尔·佩德森的主题演讲拉开序幕,她指出了可穿戴设备与流行文化之间的联系——就像我们最喜欢的电影《终结者》、《钢铁侠》或《极乐空间》一样。伊莎贝尔表示,我们正处于从智能手机等可携带设备到可穿戴设备的技术边缘,这最终可能会导致可植入设备。她还提醒观众,在设计未来可穿戴技术路线图时,要考虑到文化影响。betway体育开户可穿戴技betway体育开户术大会的冠名赞助商英特尔展示了其新的解决方案,以促进可穿戴行业的未来增长。整个小组都致力于可穿戴设备市场的发展。来自索尼、海王星等公司的扬声器的智能手表和手环展示了哪些技术可能在未来几个月或几年受益于这一市场潜力。当天的亮点之一是智能眼镜和AR面板。以Tim Moore为代表的罗切斯特光学公司发布了针对谷歌玻璃优化的RO GOLD处方镜片。这些镜片有多种特殊的镜框,将从今天开始发售。 RO GOLD will significantly improve the style and comfort of glass users who also need to improve their sight. We were also very pleased to have Eugene Jorov, co-founder of Seraphim Sense and maker of the Angel wristband as a speaker during the health and fitness panel. The Wearable Technologies Conference is the only event he will be speaking at for the next few months. We will publish a full recap on both days of the Wearable Technologies Conference 2014 Europe within the next days. Stay tuned – we are looking forward to seeing you at our upcoming conferences in the US and in Asia later this year.

前一篇文章 罗切斯特光学@可穿戴技术会议揭开了谷歌玻betway体育开户璃的RO GOLD
下一篇文章 betway体育开户可穿戴技术新闻综述-一月