向东走 - 在亚洲举行的首次可穿戴技术betway体育开户会议

第一次betway体育开户可穿戴技术会议确切地说,要去亚洲 - 去台湾。10月9日星期三Th2013 we will host our first conference at the Taipei World Trade Center Nangan during the Taiwan Int’l Cloud Technology & Internet of Things Show 2013. After the huge success in Silicon Valley, going to a fast growing market like Taiwan was a logical next step.


还将推出选定的启用可穿戴技术以及可穿betway体育开户戴技术市场的星星。确认的演讲者包括来自德州仪器,Quanta,Eurocloud,Earocloud,Ericsson,Telit Communications,AIQ Smart Clothing,IMEC Taiwan,Varta Microbattery,T.Ware,Hzo和MC10的高级代表。


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