Thalmic Labs首席执行官Stephen Lake的访谈

We had the chance to interview Stephen Lake who was named one of Canada’s Top 20 under 20 in 2007 and one of the Next 36 entrepreneurial leaders of Canada in 2011. He has a degree in Mechatronics Engineering from the University of Waterloo, a certificate in Entrepreneurship from the University of Toronto, and has studied as a visiting scholar at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich). He was an entrepreneur from a young age, attaching LED lights to radio-controlled trucks and selling them at age 13. Learn more about Thalmic Labs latest development:

1.手势控制设备Myo的想法从何而来?曾是Thalmic Labs是因为Myo而建立的,或者您公司的背景故事是什么?

斯蒂芬·莱克(Stephen Lake),马修·贝利(Matthew Bailey)和亚伦·格兰特(Aaron Grant)提出了Myo背后的想法,建立了Thalmic Labs。他们共享一个论点,即我们正在朝着一个新的计算机时代发展,在该时代,人与机器之间的界线变得越来越模糊。在马修和斯蒂芬以前做过的可穿戴技术领域的工作基础上,Myo的想法源于基本问题:随着我们朝着可穿戴和无处不在的计算,我们如何将真实和数字世界联系起来?

Their thesis was that, while much progress had been made on display modalities, interface and gesture control technologies weren’t up to the task: voice was out as people aren’t comfortable talking to themselves in public and camera-based systems aren’t suitable for mobile environments.



我们启动了预订,以衡量对Myo的需求,并对立即收到的大量订单感到高兴。We’re currently aiming to have the first batch of MYOs shipped out in late 2013. For those who placed their orders after mid-March, they’ll be included in the second batch, shipping early 2014. With any form of production, setbacks along the way are possible, but we’re on track to ship the first MYOs later this year as planned.

3. Windows和Mac OS由MYO充分支持,加上API可用于iOS和Android。您是否认为不同设备之间的互操作性将是使可穿戴技术成为主流成功的最重要因素之一?betway体育开户




We’ve had quite a few people wondering if they could wear a MYO on all four of their limbs at the same time…not too sure what they’re planning to accomplish with this, but if they could make it work, we’d be interested to see the results!

上一篇文章 2013年6月1日,第五wt创新世界杯启动
下一篇文章 您的成功方式并不一定如此陡峭 - 与原始
约翰·米奇(Johanna Mischke)()是主编wt |betway体育开户可穿戴技术- 靠近身体,身体乃至身体上磨损的技术的先驱和全球领先的创新和市场开发平台。除了成为可穿戴设备及其更广泛的生态系统的专家外,她还在创业世界和国际营销中经验丰富。可以在J.Mischke(AT)可耐磨机访问Johanna。