请允许我介绍我的新朋友Nike+ SportWatch GPS

在7月15日在德国的正式市场发布日期之前,我们收到了耐克的一揽子计划。内容物 - 精心设计的黑色和霓虹灯绿色盒子。打开它后,新的,类似的颜色的耐克+ SportWatch GP向我致意:“我们今天跑步吗?”

第二天,我肯定回答了这个问题。The first thing I noticed was that the watch could fit a little tighter around my wrist – but since it is tight enough and doesn’t slip, and because I have experienced this with other sports watches, I’m not disappointed and I start my run. I’m thrilled with the fact that, thanks to the TomTom operating system, I can finally observe my precise running speed on my wrist, without the annoying lump on my shoe or extra baggage on my upper arm. I had played around with the menu a bit before starting and found it very user friendly, though I’m sure it was somewhat helpful that I already had experience with the menu on the Nike+Sportband. Even during my run, the watch is easy to operate intuitively, the display lights up when you tap the screen.

以我的速度显示显示器会激励我疯狂,而我沿着多瑙河的跑步速度比平常快。When I reach my goal and stop the watch, I’m astonished by the “empathy” shown by my new little wrist-worn friend: The display blinks “High Five” and the screen displays an overview of the most important data regarding my run. I’m also psyched to know that I can connect the watch to a Polar chest belt and monitor my heart rate.

手表上收集的数据可以上传到在线运行社区www.nikeplus.com通过USB。有了这本跑步者的日记,我概述了自己的速度和某些道路的高度,我可以查看使用Google Maps覆盖的区域,看看我燃烧了多少卡路里并在跑步时发布了个性化评论。我还可以为自己设定目标,制定培训计划,看看我如何与竞赛中的在线社区的其他成员进行衡量。你自己看!


总而言之,Nike+ SportWatch GPS具有直观的操作功能,经过深思熟虑的设计,Polar Belt Connection功能和在线社区链接,是最全面的可穿戴技术产品。betway体育开户就我个人而言,我可以说,对于Nike+ SportWatch GPS和我,这是美好友谊的开始……


  • 提供具有较小腕带的版本,因此更合适
  • 直接在手腕上测量我的心率
  • 提供一个可选的“安全吊舱” - 我可以在家中通过GPS跟踪我的小型设备,以便在紧急情况下我的朋友和家人可以找到我。


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